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© John KACERE / Untiled, Date ?, (Source of the picture : site web de




Contacts are underway with the heirs of deceased photorealist and/or hyperrealist artists, whether they be families or galleries.

The general information – photos and texts – put for the moment on this site are information taken in a first time on the net and we will mention, of course, the source.

Then, in a second phase, we will integrate, with their permission, the data received by the rightful owners.

The photos currently presented – as for all the other artists on this site – are for the time being only informative about their work and are therefore not significant in relation to the chosen works which may be represented – in fine – during the exhibition.

John Kacere (né en 1920 à Walker, dans l’Iowa, et mort en 1999 à Cedar Rapids, dans l’Iowa) est surtout connu pour ses peintures du corps féminin, en particulier des parties médianes, vêtues de lingerie.

Ces peintures plus grandes que nature ont souvent suscité des critiques de la part des féministes, mais il a affirmé que son travail était une célébration de la féminité. Les œuvres de Kacere font partie de grandes collections, notamment le musée Stedeljik d’Amsterdam, en Hollande, le Portland Art Museum de Portland, en Oregon, et le J.B. Speed Museum de Louisville, dans le Kentucky.

Avant sa mort en 1999, Kacere a enseigné dans plusieurs universités de renom, dont la Cooper Union, l’université de New York, la Parsons School of Design et la School of Visual Arts.

(Extrait du site web de

John Kacere (b. 1920, Walker, Iowa; d. 1999, Cedar Rapids, Iowa) is best known for his paintings of the female body, particularly midsections, clothed in lingerie.

These larger-than-life paintings often drew criticism from feminists, but he maintained his work is a celebration of womanhood. Kacere’s work is held in major collections including Stedeljik Museum in Amsterdam, Holland, Portland Art Museum in Portland, Oregon, and the J.B. Speed Museum in Louisville, Kentucky.

Before his death in 1999, Kacere taught at several notable universities including Cooper Union, New York University, Parsons School of Design, and School of Visual Arts.

(Extrait du site web de

John Kacere (geb. 1920, Walker, Iowa; gest. 1999, Cedar Rapids, Iowa) ist vor allem für seine Gemälde bekannt, die den weiblichen Körper, insbesondere den Mittelteil, in Unterwäsche zeigen.

Diese überlebensgroßen Gemälde wurden von Feministinnen oft kritisiert, aber er behauptete, dass seine Arbeit eine Feier der Weiblichkeit sei. Kacers Werke befinden sich in bedeutenden Sammlungen wie dem Stedeljik Museum in Amsterdam, Holland, dem Portland Art Museum in Portland, Oregon, und dem J.B. Speed Museum in Louisville, Kentucky.

Bis zu seinem Tod im Jahr 1999 lehrte Kacere an mehreren namhaften Universitäten, darunter Cooper Union, New York University, Parsons School of Design und School of Visual Arts.

(Auszug aus der Website von

John Kacere (nato nel 1920 a Walker, Iowa; morto nel 1999 a Cedar Rapids, Iowa) è noto soprattutto per i suoi dipinti che ritraggono il corpo femminile, in particolare le parti basse, vestite di lingerie.

Questi dipinti più grandi della vita hanno spesso attirato le critiche delle femministe, ma l’artista ha sostenuto che il suo lavoro è una celebrazione della femminilità. Le opere di Kacere sono conservate in importanti collezioni, tra cui lo Stedeljik Museum di Amsterdam, in Olanda, il Portland Art Museum di Portland, in Oregon, e il J.B. Speed Museum di Louisville, nel Kentucky.

Prima della sua morte, avvenuta nel 1999, Kacere ha insegnato in diverse importanti università, tra cui la Cooper Union, la New York University, la Parsons School of Design e la School of Visual Arts.

(Estratto dal sito web di

John Kacere (nacido en 1920, en Walker, Iowa; fallecido en 1999, en Cedar Rapids, Iowa) es conocido por sus pinturas del cuerpo femenino, especialmente de las partes medias, vestidas con lencería.

Estas pinturas, más grandes que la vida, a menudo suscitan críticas de las feministas, pero él mantiene que su obra es una celebración de la feminidad. La obra de Kacere se encuentra en importantes colecciones, como el Museo Stedeljik de Ámsterdam (Holanda), el Museo de Arte de Portland (Oregón) y el Museo J.B. Speed de Louisville (Kentucky).  

Antes de su muerte en 1999, Kacere enseñó en varias universidades notables, como la Cooper Union, la Universidad de Nueva York, la Parsons School of Design y la School of Visual Arts.

(Extracto de la página web de 

Galerie / Gallery ( Sélection représentative / representative selection )

© John KACERE / (Source of the picture : site web de

© John KACERE / (Source of the picture : site web de

© John KACERE / Linda II, 1974, (Source of the picture : site web de